ESOP Management on trica equity
Learn more about the ESOP Management module on trica You can manage all your ESOP pool, do completely digital grants (with digital signatures), manage employee exits, exercise, expense accounting etc all in one online system.
Note this this product is brought by – India’s most trusted platform for Angel investing with over 225 Startups funded till May 2020.
What are the pain points we are solving with this –
- ESOP POLICY (Scheme) – We help you create & design the ESOP policy that is right for you & your team
- EXCEL HORRORS – are you are still managing your ESOP grants in Excel? You are bound to face problems around data security, reconciliation & traceability. A small genuine mistake can cause loss of money or get you into unnecessary legal hassles.
- SINGLE SOURCE OF TRUTH (for all stakeholders) – Founders, HR head, Finance Head, Employees
- PAPERLESS – do away with heaps of paperwork regarding grant letters and physical signatures. Manage digital grant letters and digital signatures.
- EASY MIGRATION – if you have already done your grants, we will migrate you from your existing systems seamlessly in just a day
- FOSTER TRANSPARENCY – build a culture of trust & empowerment by giving your team visibility on their ESOPs. Your employees get their own dashboard to see all details about their grants, vesting schedule, exercise & tax information. They are notified when there is a new vesting. Most importantly they know the exact value of their ESOP in terms of how much cash does this translates to as of today and are notified when there is a uptick in valuation.
- FULLY LOADED FEATURESET – everything you may need is bundled into the product – custom vesting schedule, performance vesting, custom reports, custom grant letter template and more.
- TALENT & CULTURE – ESOP is your most important tool for talent hiring & retention, we help you design & implement a policy that works you. We also facilitate ESOP liquidity for your team.
- VALUATION CERTIFICATE – need to account for ESOP expense at the end of the financial year, no problem. We will get you the expense report and also help you with Valuation Certificates from our partners.
- EDUCATION – access our educational blog articles for Founders, Employees, Webinars with industry experts on all the topics you need advice on.
- SCALE WITH US – you can easily scale from 10s to 1000s of employees. The product and process simply scales with you, no need to change anything during your Startup journey.
- MULTIPLE GEO SUPPORT – we support India, US and Singapore incorporated companies as of now.
- SECURITY – cyber security vulnerability and testing certified by a reputed vendor
- COMPLIANCE – we handle all compliance, accounting, Audit, DD (Due Diligence) requirements from one place.
- REPORTING – generate industry standard reports and customise your reports as per your requirements